Do not despite humble begging
Date of Birth:27/11/2022
Zechariah 4:8-10
8 Then another message came to me from the Lord: 9
“Zerubbabel(me & you) is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple,
and he will complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
has sent me. 10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to
see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.
Allow me brethren to
say something about the power of humble beginning with reference to PCEA SHALOM
Way back when St. Timothy began, we had one district under
one elder David, later it was split into 3 districts, AMANI, UPENDO AND BARAKA
districts respectively.
I was giving AMANI DISTRICT, fortunately or unfortunately it
was the smallest district at the time, We had our first fellowship as we plan
for our new district, one member asked this question, Riurii huyu muthee
tukumwika atia tundu guku gutiri andu na cess nilioka? another mzee stood up
and said with finality” we are well able” end of quote. This is and remain my
biggest word of encouragement I have got from a member in this ministry.
After fellowship each one of us went home on a positive note
“we are well able”
Coming Sunday, we started receiving visitors in our church,
to my surprise I noted 90% percent of the visitors were joining Amani
districts. My district numbers kept increasing every week until I prayed to God
God did not answer that prayer, so the number kept on
increasing and for the first time Amani was first to clear the cess that year.
Come the following year the district had grown too much in
terms of members and hence give birth to the first child called Tumaini
Amani continued to grow again and this time give birth to
twins boys” Neema and Uaminifu”, just a few months ago Tumaini has given birth
to Fathili district.
So now we can say Amani district has been called “Guka by
Fadhili district”
Just when we are celebrating our new Gacucu, God said I am
not yet over with you Amani, I want to change your name from district to
Brethren, I am confident of this, that He who began this
good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6;
What is in a name
“Shalom”, is Amani in Hebrew which means peace, harmony, wholeness,
completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility
Also used by Jewish people as salutation at meeting or when
parting, meaning ‘peace’. "‘I'll be waiting for your call’. ‘
This church after 5 years, I see people coming back here and
saying, if it were not for pcea Shalom, I would have not completed high school,
college... My family would be gone to the dogs, by the way this is a family
church... Looking forward to many seminars on family and business startups.
My Closings remarks to my congregation PCEA Shalom
Church-Mayland is from the book of 1 Peter 5:2-4.
I will take care of you as God has entrusted me to you,
willingly, without complaining and not for what I will get out of it but
because I am eager to serve my God, I will not lord over you but lead you by
good example, and I am sure when the Great Shepherd appears, I will receive a
crown of never-ending glory and honor....
Ni hayo tu kwa sasa ‘Shalom’" , I will be waiting for your call.
Your fellow servant in Christ
Humphrey Kimathi
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